Date: 3 August 2023 Witness: Various witnesses> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip CEL00011967_Rainscreen.zip_ Celotex RS5000 Rainscreen Cladding Specification Guide [CEL00000013].pdf(8.88 MB) CWCT0000053_CWCT Standard for walls with ventilated Rainscreens (1st Edition).pdf(20.18 MB) CWCT0000055_CWCT Guide to Good Practice for Facades.pdf(15.08 MB) HOM00035068_The Building Act 1984, 1984 Chapter 55.pdf(14.1 MB) INQ00015203_Approved Document L1A - Conservation of fuel and power - 2013 edition.pdf(29.41 MB) INQ00015204_Approved Document L2B - Conservation of fuel and power in existing buildings other than dwellings.pdf(32.55 MB) MAX00006094_Emails between T Batty (Silcock Dawson), T Ashton (Exova) and D Hughes (Rydon) cc multiple contractors, forwarding earlier emails between A Bridges (R J Electrics), T Ashton and T.pdf(4 MB) SEA00004565_RIBA Project Data 2010.pdf(1.65 MB) TMO10005215_Tender bid under lot 1 for Studio E.pdf(411.68 KB)