Date: 21 April 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Edward Daffarn> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip IWS00002187_Exhibit ED2_109 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn, Claire Williams, Janet Edwards, Angela Bosnjak- Szekeres, Monsur Khan regarding representation for the residents of Lancaster.pdf(3.57 MB) IWS00002188_Exhibit ED2_259 - The Guardian news article by Robert Booth, ‘How Grenfell Survivors Came Together – and how Britain failed them’.pdf(13.21 MB) IWS00002189_Exhibit ED2_153 - Email chain between Robin Yu, Edward Daffarn, Fola Kafidiya-Oke and Sacha Jevans regarding Edward Daffarn's FoI request for the Grenfell Tower board review report.pdf(5.69 MB) IWS00002190_Exhibit ED2_86 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Pants on Fire Award – TMO Chair Fay Edwards’.pdf(2.06 MB) IWS00002191_Exhibit ED2_157 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Grenfell Tower Residents Address RBKC Scrutiny Committee’.pdf(1.59 MB) IWS00002192_Exhibit ED2_214 - Email from Edward Daffarn to Ben Dewis regarding the refurbishment work is imposing a fire safety issue for residents of Grenfell Tower.pdf(319.73 KB) IWS00002193_Exhibit ED2_89 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘TMO’s Maddison on the Naughty Step’.pdf(2.28 MB) IWS00002194_Exhibit ED2_127 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Grenfell Community Unite – A Small Victory!’.pdf(2 MB) IWS00002195_Exhibit ED2_164 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn and Paul Dunkerton regarding an urgent request for a residents meeting following the power surges in Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.65 MB) IWS00002196_Exhibit ED2_147 - Emails chain between John Sweeney, David Collins and Victoria Borwick MP regarding a request for Victoria Borwick to visit Grenfell Tower before the completion of.pdf(1.63 MB) IWS00002197_Exhibit ED2_87 - My London article, ‘New Year’s Honours_ BEM for Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation chairman Fay Edwards'.pdf(1 MB) IWS00002198_Exhibit ED2_113 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Grenfell Residents Resist TMO Intransigence’.pdf(1.87 MB) IWS00002199_Exhibit ED2_106 -Email chain between Edward Daffarn, Siobhan Rumble, Janet Edwards, Caeli Christianson, Yvonne Birch and Jon Warnock regarding the refusal of official recognition.pdf(3.31 MB) IWS00002200_Exhibit ED2_107 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn and Janet Edwards regarding the refusal of official recognition of GAG as a Resident Association.pdf(5.44 MB) IWS00002201_Exhibit ED2_199 - RBKC minutes of.a meeting of the overview and scrutiny committee on the public realm held on 12 May 2009.pdf(121.12 KB) IWS00002202_Exhibit ED2_84 - Investigation report on long-standing complaints of the KCTMO by Maria Memoli.pdf(12.43 MB) IWS00002203_Exhibit ED2_141 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Is It Time to Resurrect the EMB_’.pdf(2.31 MB) IWS00002204_Exhibit ED2_149 - Edward Daffarn's speech for RBKC Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee meeting.pdf(203.74 KB) IWS00002205_Exhibit ED2_140 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Grenfell Action Group Demands New KCTMO Investigation’.pdf(2.12 MB) IWS00002206_Exhibit ED2_104 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Who Killed Bambi – Revised and Expanded’.pdf(7.6 MB) IWS00002207_Exhibit ED2_203 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘The Gloves Come Off’.pdf(3.86 MB) IWS00002208_Exhibit ED2_95 - Letter from Anne Duru to Edward Daffarn apologising for the personal questions asked during the Stage 3 complaint panel meeting.pdf(10.54 KB) IWS00002209_Exhibit ED2_117 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Minutes from the Grenfell Tower Emergency Residents Minutes (17_03_15)’.pdf(3.06 MB) IWS00002210_Exhibit ED2_83 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn, Fola Kafidiya and Daniel Asamoah regarding a FoI request.pdf(718.4 KB) IWS00002211_Exhibit ED2_144 - Grenfell Tower Compact Meeting Minutes.pdf(485.41 KB) IWS00002212_Exhibit ED2_142 - RBKC minutes of a meeting of the Council held at the Town Hall on 2 December 2015.pdf(408.56 KB) IWS00002213_Exhibit ED2_79 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Is Jaw-Jaw Better than War-War’.pdf(2.56 MB) IWS00002214_Exhibit ED2_197 - LeVerne Parker letter to Edward Daffarn regarding Edward Daffan's complaint about Cllr Rock Feilding-Mellen.pdf(766.87 KB) IWS00002215_Exhibit ED2-144a - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘RBKC Labour and the Elephant in the Room’.pdf(2.28 MB) IWS00002216_Exhibit ED2_207 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Grenfell Tower – Propaganda, Lies and Fact.pdf(1.16 MB) IWS00002217_Exhibit ED2_98 - Email from Lynda Prentice to Steve Blake regarding access issues in Flat 134.pdf(222.95 KB) IWS00002218_Exhibit ED2_233 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn & John Sweeney regarding Rydon's workmanship and TMO's service in relation to a Grenfell Tower resident.pdf(4.64 MB) IWS00002219_Exhibit ED2_173 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Marshall Gets Stuck In’.pdf(2.15 MB) IWS00002220_Exhibit ED2_235 - Email chain between Cllr Judith Blakeman, TMO Complaints, Edward Daffarn, Claire Williams and Simon Lawrence regarding a complaint about a neighbour's flat front.pdf(1.78 MB) IWS00002221_Exhibit ED2_211 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Edward George and the Great RBKC Planning Department Fob Off’.pdf(1.89 MB) IWS00002222_Exhibit ED2_130 - Email chain between David Collins, Janet Edwards, Stephen Morgan, Judith Blakeman, Peter Maddison and Samantha DeHaan regarding support with setting up a compact.pdf(1.64 MB) IWS00002223_Exhibit ED2_52 -Grenfell Action Group, ‘GAG objections’, and Planning Aid for London objections to PP_12_01833 (Kensington Academy and Leisure Centre).pdf(29.1 MB) IWS00002224_Exhibit ED2_35 - Email chain between Cllr Timothy Coleridge and Edward Daffarn regarding behaviour towards Andrzej Kuszell during the KALC Residents Forum meeting.pdf(710.99 KB) IWS00002225_Exhibit ED2_39 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn and Cllr Timothy Coleridge regarding the Residents Forum meeting and confirmation of securing the Grenfell Tower refurbishment.pdf(24.8 KB) IWS00002226_Exhibit ED2_124 - Letter from David Collins to the Considerate Contractors Scheme regarding the lack of consultation and health and safety concerns raised by residents in relation.pdf(54.44 KB) IWS00002227_Exhibit ED2_223 - Letter from Sacha Jevans to Edward Daffarn regarding a stage 2 response to Edward Daffarn's complaint about the windows installed in Grenfell Tower.pdf(65.93 KB) IWS00002228_Exhibit ED2_183 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘Ho-Hum’.pdf(1.12 MB) IWS00002229_Exhibit ED2_240 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn, Cllr Judith Blakeman, Peter Maddison, David Collins and William Thompson regarding issues at Grenfell Tower in relation to pow.pdf(1.94 MB) IWS00002230_Exhibit ED2_212 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘The Stairs of Shame and other abuses........’.pdf(1.5 MB) IWS00002231_Exhibit ED2_81 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘The Sound of Silence’.pdf(1.37 MB) IWS00002232_Exhibit ED2_180 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn and Cllr Quentin Marshall regarding the power surges in Grenfell Tower.pdf(2.59 MB) IWS00002233_Exhibit ED2_179 - Email chain between Edward Daffarn, Janet Seward, Joanne Burke, Dulce de Oliveira Watts and Robert Black regarding stage 2 & 3 complaint about the power surges.pdf(7.22 MB) IWS00002234_Exhibit ED2_227 - Email chain between David Bradbury, Simon O’Connor, Simon Lawrence and Claire Williams regarding planning approval for the cladding and windows and issues raised.pdf(867.22 KB) IWS00002235_Exhibit ED2_198 - RBKC Overview and Review Scrutiny Committee on the Public Realm meeting minutes held on 2 December 2009.pdf(376.48 KB) IWS00002236_Exhibit ED2_103 - Grenfell Action Group blog, ‘The TMO – Still Crapping All Over Us’.pdf(2.8 MB)