Date: 9 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: BSRs Team 2> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BSR00000064_BSR Team 2 - Phase 2 Module 2 Opening Submissions.pdf(13.61 MB) CEP00049717_Email from Alcoa to CEP re BBC Report on ACM in UAE and the Supply of Reynobond in the UK_1.pdf(37.87 KB) KIN00005382_Exhibit JD_17, Exhibit MPR_9_ Internal Kingspan emails dated April to May 2009 with subject _Phenolic Fire Focus Group_.pdf(352.58 KB) KIN00020713_Exhibit PJH_11 Redacted copy of Metsec Sotech and Kingspan Kooltherm K15 BS 8414-2 Internal Test Analysis. Test Date - 20 December 2007. Report date - 7 January 2008.pdf(22.57 MB) KIN00020714_Exhibit PJH_35 - Internal Kingspan email dated 7 May 2009 with subject RE_ LABC System Approval Certificate for Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board.pdf(1.41 MB) CEL00001097_RS 5000 'product training' presentation April 2015.pdf(3.91 MB) KIN00003693_Emails from Ivor Meredith of Kingspan to Sarah Colwell of the BRE concerning subsequent testing ideas for K15 after a failed test and requesting an official opinion from the BRE.pdf(921.58 KB) BRE00005424_Drawing for a proposed Celotex test._0.pdf(567.25 KB) BRE00003908_Email chain between Kingspan, Sheppard Robson and BRE with Sheppard Robson seeking to commission a desktop study to ascertain whether Kingspan K15 is acceptable for use within a ra_0.pdf(3.19 MB) BRE00003676_Emails between BRE and Kingspan regarding LPCB certification and SBI and small flames tests.pdf(3.99 MB) BRE00003420_Signed BRE Global - An assessment of the external wall system for the Riverlight project, London against the provisions given in Section 12 of Approved Document B, Volume 2, Report.pdf(6.91 MB) BRE00003327_Email exchange between Kingspan and BRE re potential BS8414 tests on two new insulation products, either full tests or _indicative_ - internal BRE discussion follows_0.pdf(1.24 MB) BBA00010667_Email chain between BBA and NHBC in respect of the reissue of ACM certificates. A meeting is arranged for the purposes of addressing NHBC queries..pdf(2.24 MB) BBA00009729_Internal BBA email regarding media queries post-fire.pdf(2.91 MB) BBA00009078_Internal BBA email correspondence related to surveillance inspection and review of Reynobond Certificate 08_4510..pdf(758.42 KB) BBA00008736_Email correspondence between the BBA and Aloca, regarding a discussion on the need for updated information in order to continue the certification of Reynobond PE for low-rise build.pdf(2.79 MB) BBA00008120_BBA document entitled 'Report_ Class 1 Review Inspection x2' for certificates 87_1964 and 08_4510, by Shaun O'Neill, inspection on 10 September 2014.pdf(3.62 MB) BBA00006532_Email from Building Standards Consultant (on behalf of Scottish Association of Building Standards Managers (SABSM)) to BBA, followed by internal BBA email correspondence re_ SABSM.pdf(1.91 MB) BBA00003633_BBA Agrement Certificate 08_4582 for Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board..pdf(5.32 MB) BBA00003353_Email chain involving the Scottish Association of Building Standards Managers (SABSM) and BBA. SABSM raise issues about BBA certificate 08_4582 (K15) relating to lack of consultati.pdf(1.36 MB) BBA00000266_BRE_ Fire performance of the external thermal insulation for walls of multi-storey buildings - 2nd Edition.pdf(1.31 MB) ARC00000687_BBA Certificate 08_4510 or Reynobond Architecture Wall Cladding Panels_0.pdf(5.02 MB) ARC00000537_CSTB document titled 'Reaction to Fire Test Report No. RA prepared for Alcoa Architectural Products- No. RA11-0032 According to the European Standards'..pdf(5.18 MB) BBA00008334_Internal BBA email correspondence, forwarding a response to a representative of the Metal Cladding & Roofing Manufacturers Association, relating to the post-fire amendments of BBA.pdf(1.26 MB) CEL00004877_Email from Ian Parker to Paul Evans re BBA FR thermals - Hipchen.pdf(312.59 KB) CEL00003099_Celotex powerpoint presentation - Long Range Plan 2015-2017.pdf(16.95 MB) CEL00003791_Celotex powerpoint entitled August Review 2015 covering safety at work, financial forecast, RS 5000 sales and competitor information..pdf(1.12 MB) CEL00010816_Celotex KPI Objective Form.pdf(31.26 KB) CEL00007076_Internal emails between Ian Parker, Jodey Hammond and Jim Oliver regarding preparing document for BBA quality plan.pdf(910.79 KB) CEL00009539_Email internal Celotex about insulation at 18m+ forwarded to customer..pdf(676.24 KB) CEL00009889_Change note (486)_1.pdf(420.57 KB) CEL00010689_Photos of Celotex first failed fire test.pdf(17.08 MB) CEL00002517_Photo of board dealing with NHBC concerns, _CX_ response, actions required and risk_2.pdf(323.67 KB) CEL00001364_Email Jon Roper to David Ewing (LABC) attaching classification report.pdf(1.15 MB) CEL00001995_Email from Celotex to the LABC regarding data required for the Celotex RS5000 LABC Registered Detail application_0.pdf(719.01 KB) CEL00000462_Grenfell Tower Wall and cladding UValue.pdf(3.19 MB) CEL00000947_Email from Patch Jones to Celotex attaching photographs of the BS 8414 test rig following the test commissioned by Celotex conducted on 2 May 2014_0.pdf(114.17 KB) CEL00000407_Celotex RS5000 launch promotional material_0.pdf(949.87 KB) CEL00000455_Email - calculations for u values for Grenfell.pdf(713.89 KB) CEL00000006_Email Celotex to Harley re 'Grenfell Tower, Hammersmith - RS5000 Data__1.pdf(509.39 KB) CEL00000716_Internal Celotex Email regarding the Testing of Celotex Above 18m Insulation Boards_2.pdf(43.98 KB) CEL00000730_Email chain (30 October - 11 November) Celotex - Simco re fire testing.pdf(3.31 MB) CEL00000940_Letter from David Ewing of LABC to Jon Roper of Celotex re latter's registered detail application for insulation panel.pdf(948.77 KB) CEL00000945_Photograph Entitled IMG_0011.JPG_0.pdf(1.01 MB) KIN00003112_Letter regarding test configurations and various routes to compliance relating to Hale Village P3 & P4..pdf(1.11 MB) SEA00005840_Correspondence between Studio E and Max Fordham regarding Grenfell Tower - Insulation with particular reference to Celotex cladding panels, zinc panels, and ventilated cavity_0.pdf(277.32 KB) KIN00009391_BRE Assessment Report entitled _An assessment of the external wall system for the Riverlight project, London against the provisions given in Section 12 of Approved Document B, Volu.pdf(7.3 MB) KIN00008366_BRE BS 8414 Part 1_ 2002 Test on a Phenolic Insulated Rainscreen system, Report No_ 220876..pdf(5.49 MB) KIN00005832_Presentation by Kingspan on Divisional certification meeting, Winterswijk & Tiel update.pdf(4.08 MB) KIN00005619_Emails between LABC and Kingspan relating to K115 listing the attached documents (not attached)..pdf(592.69 KB) KIN00005595_Kingspan email to BBA re CE marking. BBA advised that, although a certificate cannot be withdrawn if it is not CE marked, it will have to comply with the same standard as other CE.pdf(4.03 MB) KIN00005363_Emails between Kingspan, Bowmer and Kirkland, and Wintech regarding the use of K15 in a project_0.pdf(238.33 KB) KIN00003113_Letter regarding test configurations and various routes to compliance relating to Royal Arsenal Riverside..pdf(969.22 KB) KIN00002190_Email chain between NHBC and Kingspan regarding BS8414_2 test submissions for Kingspan K15..pdf(3.26 MB) KIN00003094_Kingspan letter to a private individual explaining test configurations and characteristics of K15 with advice on its applicability in a particular construction project (Goodman's F.pdf(951.25 KB) KIN00003090_Kingspan letter to a private individual explaining test configurations and characteristics of K15 with advice on its applicability in a particular construction project (Bedford Roa.pdf(997.93 KB) KIN00002668_Email exchange between Kingspan and ARUP re K15 insulation's use for a proposed construction over 18m..pdf(6.07 MB) KIN00002260_Email from Kingspan to LABC and MD Insurance regarding suitability of K15 for facade applications and meeting with Berkeley Homes..pdf(1.59 MB) KIN00000493_BBA Certificate (08_4582) for Kingspan K15 Kooltherm Rainscreen Insulation Board_0.pdf(5.78 MB) KIN00000289_Exova- BS EN ISO 1716_2010- Determination of the Heat of Combustion for Building Products on Kingspan TP10_PIR.pdf(2.53 MB) CEP00046499_Reynobond General Information Fabrication Guidelines.pdf(7.28 MB) CEL00011197_Summary of the meeting IFC and Sotech. 03.10.2013. Key points on fire test and breathable membrane..pdf(51.5 KB) CEL00011033_BRE Classification Report 295255 Issue 2. 11 Aug 2014..pdf(1.39 MB) CEL00010818_Sotech 20-6-13 BR 135 Meeting Durham. Sotech & BS 8414-1 and 2. K15 BBA Certification and Literature. Potential Systems Using Celotex. Sotech-Celotex. Actions..pdf(932.47 KB) SEA00005841_Celotex Datasheet for Celotex FR5000 regarding cladding panels considered as option to be used for Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1000.75 KB) SIL00001916_Minutes of CWCT Fire group meeting - 2nd July 2014.pdf(1.24 MB)