Date: 27 June 2022 > View this hearingWitness: BSRs Team 1> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BSR00000198_Phase_2_Module_4___Written_closing_submission_on_behalf_of_BSR_Team_1.pdf(10.56 MB) CAB00000092_Independent Review - London's Preparedness to respond to major terrorist incident (Lord Toby Harris).pdf(55.25 MB) CAB00000153_GT Recovery Taskforce Meeting Chair's Brief mentions cladding testing, support for those affected, etc..pdf(1.28 MB) CAB00002962_Emails re adequacy of RBKC response to fire_review of Local & National Resilience strategy post GT fire.pdf(1.08 MB) CAB00004626_Revision to Emergency Preparedness_ Glossary.pdf(9.59 MB) CAB00005850_Email regarding media statements and meeting arrangements.pdf(7.49 MB) CAB00006378_Email from Sec of State for Environment to Downing Street Chief of Staff re concerns on aftermath support_proposals for co-ordination of response.pdf(92.32 KB) CAB00011997_Emails between CCS and DCLG. Mark Sedwill, Melanie Dawes and Katharine Hammond. Discussion of Gold Command takeover of response..pdf(798.62 KB) GOL00000138__An assurance framework for London Local Government - ‘Providing individual and collective assurance’_ - commissioned by the City of London Corporation on behalf of the Local Auth.pdf(13.93 MB) GOL00000913_Literature and Best Practice from the DCMS on Humanitarian Assistance.pdf(15.55 MB) GOL00000948_The British Pyschological Society Early Interventions for Trauma.pdf(69.93 MB) HOM00029881_DCLG Spreadsheet titled 'Resource mapping_ Fire, Resilience and Emergencies Directorate regarding proposed reforms and developments in Fire Governance and other proposals.xlsx(63.27 KB) HOM00030452_Civil contingencies_ Role of the local tier (lead owner_ Local Resilience Capability (Civil Contingencies Secretariat and Communities and Local Government RED)) draft 1.8.pdf(1.02 MB) HOM00030662_Resilience 2020 - The Role of Individuals and Communities.pdf(4.74 MB) HOM00042013_Cabinet Office document entitled dealing with disaster. Revised Third Edition.pdf(7.38 MB) RBK00003148_Emails between a Cllr and NPB about Gold Command and a local member of the clergy.pdf(68.62 KB) RBK00004181_Recommendations for Local Government Emergency Planning and Resilience for the 2020’s.pdf(12.37 MB) RBK00013926_Email correspondence between Councillor Marshall and Laura Johnson regarding hearing from the Grenfell residents at the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 6 January..pdf(51.93 KB) RBK00021273_Email regarding master list and database building for Grenfell tower residents.pdf(182.77 KB) RBK00038214_Email_ Laura Johnson to Nicholas Holgate & Tony Redpath fw'ing _Protest Email_.pdf(89.9 KB) RBK00043005_Draft Grenfell Tower Fire Report on 14 June.pdf(8.36 MB) RBK00049813_Email from Andrew Meek to Toby Gould, London Resilience seeking an update on the actions arising from the HASG meeting on 17 June 2017 on information sharing and support to familie.pdf(597.87 KB) RBK00060422_Training History Export - David Kerry.xlsx(21.29 KB)