- GOL00000859_2019.05.29 Witness statement of Barbara Brownlee (London Local Authority Gold - Westminster City Council).pdf(1.84 MB)
- IDX0520_Barbara Brownlee - Aftermath Statement (London Local Authority Gold).pdf(68.74 KB)
- GOL00000869_Exhibit BB_11 - Emails between BB and LJ discussing accommodation that WCC can offer Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC).pdf(199.01 KB)
- GOL00000876_Exhibit BB_17 (attachment) - Email from SL to BB and JC enclosing a BECC availability rota and a WCC structures PowerPoint.pdf(805.61 KB)
- GOL00000875_Exhibit BB_17 (attachment) - Email from SL to BB and JC enclosing a BECC availability rota and a WCC structures PowerPoint.pdf(3.19 MB)
- GOL00000874_Exhibit BB_17 - Email from SL to BB and JC enclosing a BECC availability rota and a WCC structures PowerPoint.pdf(342.65 KB)
- GOL00000873_Exhibit BB_27 (attachment) - Email from Natasha Bishopp to BB and Clare Chamberlain of RBKC attaching RBKC suitability assessment form template.pdf(4.23 MB)
- GOL00000872_Exhibit BB_27 - Email from Natasha Bishopp to BB and Clare Chamberlain of RBKC attaching RBKC suitability assessment form template.pdf(337.72 KB)
- GOL00000870_Exhibit BB_18 - Email from BB to LJ saying would wait to hear from her as to what was needed.pdf(284.26 KB)
- GOL00000871_Exhibit BB_35 - Email from RI to JM, BB and GR giving further re-housing update.pdf(685.64 KB)
- GOL00000868_Exhibit BB_34 (attachment) - Email from Twila Grower to various WCC employees, Doug Patterson and Brent Council attaching latest re- housing update spreadsheet.xlsx(21.69 KB)
- GOL00000863_Exhibit BB_3b - Email from JC setting out actions.pdf(613.8 KB)
- GOL00000860_Exhibit BB_08 - Email from JC to EW, BB and CP confirming that he and BB will lead the response for WCC.pdf(276.01 KB)
- GOL00000867_Exhibit BB_34 - Email from Twila Grower to various WCC employees, Doug Patterson and Brent Council attaching latest re- housing update spreadsheet.pdf(7.89 KB)
- GOL00000862_Exhibit BB_02 - Email from BB to Laura Johnson (LJ) offering to help in relation to the fire and acknowledgment email from LJ to BB.pdf(193.03 KB)
- GOL00000861_Exhibit BB_15 - Email from CP to WCC Councillors (copying in BB) explaining RBKC's reluctance to accept help.pdf(543.95 KB)
- GOL00000864_Exhibit BB_30 - Status summary help for Grenfell residents email from FC to various WCC employees.pdf(2.01 MB)
- GOL00000865_Exhibit BB_03a - Email from Jonathan Cowie (JC) to organise setting up an emergency meeting at 9am that morning.pdf(289.5 KB)
- GOL00000866_Exhibit BB_12 - Emails between Greg Roberts (GR) of WCC and Amanda Johnson (AJ) of RBKC to offer RBKC WCC's assistance.pdf(2.52 MB)
- GOL00000887_Exhibit BB_33 - Email from Rebecca Ireland (RI) to BB asking if she needs any further update on families affected and their rehousing status.pdf(3.55 MB)
- GOL00000894_Exhibit BB_05 - Email from Charlie Parker (CP) to BB asking to be kept updated on matters.pdf(266.7 KB)
- GOL00000893_Exhibit BB_06 - Email from BB to CP saying WCC had received a request to access how much accommodation they had available and that BB would draft comms for residents.pdf(291.59 KB)
- GOL00000892_Exhibit BB_20 (attachment) - Email from JM enclosing copy of minutes of meeting between WCC, WCC's Homeless Service and Chief Executive of City West Homes.pdf(40.7 KB)
- GOL00000891_Exhibit BB_20 - Email from JM enclosing copy of minutes of meeting between WCC, WCC's Homeless Service and Chief Executive of City West Homes.pdf(9.49 KB)
- GOL00000890_Exhibit BB_10 - Email from JC to RR setting out work streams and immediate updates.pdf(805.59 KB)
- GOL00000889_Exhibit BB_22 - Email from Fergus Coleman (FC) to SL and BB providing re-housing update.pdf(288.13 KB)
- GOL00000888_Exhibit BB_04 - Email from BB to Ed Watson (EW) informing of meeting with JC to prepare briefing for Cabinet members on the situation and Westminster City Council's (WCC) stoc.pdf(214.75 KB)
- GOL00000882_Exhibit BB_29 - Email from Helen MacNamara to BB setting out the Government's commitments to date to enable WCC to proceed with associated financial commitments regarding housi.pdf(1.7 MB)
- GOL00000886_Exhibit BB_19 - Email from GR to BB confirming that RBKC had asked for help sourcing hotel accommodation.pdf(301.63 KB)
- GOL00000884_Exhibit BB_26 - Email from Andrew Carter (AC) to BB providing a list of residents assessments completed to date.pdf(224.49 KB)
- GOL00000883_Exhibit BB_13 - Emails between BB and LJ with LJ requesting that WCC pick up any general enquiries directed towards RBKC.pdf(305.99 KB)
- GOL00000881_Exhibit BB_21 - Email from LJ to BB confirming the Government's commitment to re- house everybody affected by the fire within 3 weeks.pdf(1.34 MB)
- GOL00000880_Exhibit BB_07 - Email from BB to Cllr Rachel Robathan (RR) informing her of the fire and to confirm WCC's actions to date.pdf(228.55 KB)
- GOL00000879_Exhibit BB_32 - Further status summary help for Grenfell residents email from JM to various WCC employees and RBKC Borough Emergency Control Centre.pdf(2.15 MB)
- GOL00000878_Exhibit BB_25 - Email from JM giving update on number of homeless households received from RBKC, contacts and appointments, and assessments completed.pdf(1.56 MB)
- GOL00000877_Exhibit BB_16 - Email response from BB to CP explaining WCC's recent offers of help to RBKC.pdf(350.61 KB)
- GOL00000885_Exhibit BB_26 (attachment) - Email from Andrew Carter (AC) to BB providing a list of residents assessments completed to date.xlsx(19.89 KB)
- GOL00000901_Exhibit BB_28 (attachment) - Email from GR to BB attaching Grenfell Fire Housing Action Plan.pdf(142.52 KB)
- GOL00000904_Exhibit BB_24 - Emails between Lizzie Clifford of Department for Communities and Local Government and BB regarding re-housing update.pdf(1000.42 KB)
- GOL00000903_Exhibit BB_36 - Email from GR to various WCC employees and AJ confirming that properties nearby to Grenfell Tower were being affected by loss of boiler supply, door entry syste.pdf(82.63 KB)
- GOL00000902_Exhibit BB_23 - Email from LJ to BB providing re- housing update.pdf(276.88 KB)
- GOL00000896_Exhibit BB_09 - Email from JC to CP, EW, BB and Stuart Love (SL) saying Martin Edgerton will lead WCC's response on K&C support, and Phil Jenkins will lead on WCC stock assessme.pdf(1.01 MB)
- GOL00000900_Exhibit BB_28 - Email from GR to BB attaching Grenfell Fire Housing Action Plan.pdf(583.95 KB)
- GOL00000899_Exhibit BB_31- Status summary help for Grenfell residents email from JM to various WCC employees and AC.pdf(2.22 MB)
- GOL00000898_Exhibit BB_14 (attachment) - Email from GR to BB and JC attaching key lines document for rest centres.pdf(26.63 KB)
- GOL00000897_Exhibit BB_14 - Email from GR to BB and JC attaching key lines document for rest centres.pdf(869.1 KB)
- GOL00000895_Exhibit BB_01 - Email from Jake Mathias (JM) to Barbara Brownlee (BB) giving notification of a fire having occurred at Grenfell Tower.pdf(7.36 KB)